Lunar ice field. water vapor deposited by comet impacts may have collected as frost in eternally shadowed craters near the moon's poles

the newborn moon orbits within a ring of debris splashed out by the impact that formed it, over a molten earth

Hamilton Collection plate commemorating 25th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on moon - painting by Don Dixon

A full moon rises above palms in my backyard in this digital composite. © 2005 by Don Dixon.

Apollo 11 astronauts unfurl the U.S. flag on July 20, 1969. Acrylic and gouache study for Hamilton Collection commemorative plate, 1993. © 2005 by Don Dixon.

Formation of Tycho Crater; an asteroid smashes into the moon, forming a crater ; gouache on illustration board, 1977 by Don Dixon

Earth viewed from the lunar crater Tycho. The Pleiades star cluster is about to be occulted by earth. Oil on canvas panel, 1973. © Don Dixon/cosmographica.com

The last expedition to the moon departs on December 7, 1972 in this photograph by Don Dixon from the shore of the Banana river near Cape Canaveral, Florida. The dark shock wave racing across the water heralds the arrival of the thunderous noise of the Saturn V rocket engines. © Don Dixon