the sun's ultimate fate, a shrunken, blue-white cinder that sheds little light on its devastated planets ; acrylic on board, 1981

Contact Binary - the companions forming the binary star Algol exchange gases in a complex manner, cover for Science Digest ; acrylic on board, 1981

Black Hole - gas from a companion star blazes brightly upon impacting the accretion disk of a black hole ; acrylic, 1980

Coronal streamers rise above the roiling surface of a flare star in this 1990 acrylic on canvas painting. This is a background detail of artwork commissioned for a Del Rey books cover painting. It was also featured on a poster for the computer game Marathon by Bungie software. copyright Don Dixon/cosmographica.com 2013

A black hole rips apart two companion stars in this private commission. The cores of two red giant stars spiral toward destruction. Sputtering explosions of infalling gas are blasted into space as the three objects dance around their ever-shifting center of mass. The painting was created with acrylic and oil glazes on a 4'x6' canvas.

Painted for the Feburary, 2003 issue of Scientific American, this digital painting shows the immense burst of magnetic energy and soft gamma radiation that is released when a highly magnetic neutron star experiences a "starquake" -- a vertical displacement of the surface perhaps smaller than a millimeter. The burst is tightly constrained to a thin belt by the intense magnetic field.

Superhot gases pulled from a companion star whirl in the accretion disk surrounding a black hole. High energy jets stream from its poles. Digital, for Scientific American, 2004. © 2005 by Don Dixon.

The strange star SS433 may be a black hole whose accretion disk is highly inclined with respect to its orbit about a companion star. Digital, cover, February 2005 "Astronomy" magazine.

According to Einstein, collapsing stars should send waves of gravity rippling through space and time. Abstract representation, digital © 2007 Don Dixon/cosmographica.com

449-Inside the Jet of a Galactic Black Hole
Gazing into the "throat" of a galactic jet. A huge black hole at the center of the galaxy rips stars apart. Churning magnetic fields and acoustic waves ripple outward. Digital painting for special "Black Holes" edition of Scientific American. © 2007 Don Dixon/cosmographica.com

Black Hole 2 - gas is compressed to x-ray incandescence as it impacts the accretion disk of a black hole; acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 1987; copyright Don Dixon