I, Robot - cover for classic Asimov anthology featuring a robot babysitter guided by the Three Laws of Robotics; acrylic and gouache, 1985 © Don Dixon

Orbiting Callisto - a nuclear-powered rocket in orbit above one of Jupiter's moons, used as cover for Asimov anthology The early Asimov; acrylic and gouache 1984, © Don Dixon

Winds Of Change - cover for Asimov anthology depicts a bald eagle witnessing the departure of the last humans from earth. Acrylic and Gouache on illustration board, 1985.

Into The Maelstrom - a ship plunges toward a black hole; acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 1985 ©Don Dixon

Final Circuit - cover for novel by Melinda Snodgrass, space station is spectacularly destroyed. Acrylic and gouache, 1987. © Don Dixon

Antares Dawn - cover for novel by Michael McCollum, a starship hovers against the backdrop of the exploding red giant Antares; Acrylic and gouache, 1987. © Don Dixon

Charon's Ark - cover for novel by Rick Gauger depicts a dinosaur sanctuary on Pluto. Acrylic and gouache on illustration board; Published by Ballantine Books in 1987 © Don Dixon

Nine Princes in Amber - cover for classic Robert Silverberg novel, acrylic and gouache on illustration board 1987; © Don Dixon

Universe Between - cover for novel by Alan E. Nourse, hand reaches through fire to grasp the stars, acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 1988 ;© Don Dixon

cover for classic Asimov novels about a galactic empire, starships battling over planet Terminus; acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 1984 ;© Don Dixon

cover for John Brunner novel about an alien civilization's struggle to survive cosmic catastrophes; acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 1983 © Don Dixon

Rocket To Limbo - cover for Alan E. Nourse novel, spaceship discovers floating city on alien world. © 2007 Don Dixon / cosmographica.com

Antares Passage - cover for novel by Michael McCollum, starships assemble in earth orbit while supernova Antares glares in distance
Space Race - two spaceships launch from an asteroid in video game cover, acrylic and gouache, 1981 ; © Don Dixon
Son Of Man - cover for Robert Silverberg novel, strange humanoid descendant in distant future; © Don Dixon
Assassins Gambit - cover for novel by Robert Forstchen, Samurai heroes are brought into future to battle in alien war © Don Dixon
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Alexandrian Ring - cover for William Forstchen novel, Alexander the Great is snatched into the future to battle on a ringworld ; acrylic and gouache, 1988
The Number Of The Beast - cover for Heinlein novel, featuring the Lowellian Mars, Oz, and fast and dangerous machines ; acrylic and gouache, 1988
Lifeburst - cover for Jack Williamson novel in which a ring of satellites encircles the earth in the far future
Still River - cover for Hal Clement novel about a mission to the core of a giant comet ; © Don Dixon
Trouble On Titan - cover for Alan E. Nourse novel, ship hovers above Saturn's moon Titan ;
Aboriginal inhabitants of an extrasolar planet attempt to drive away colonizing humans with magic. Cover for Del Rey Books, acrylic on illustration board, 1988 © Don Dixon
book cover, human eye floats in twilight zone portal against starry sky - painting by Don Dixon for Jeremy Tarcher ; © Don Dixon
cover for Michael McCollum novel about a city floating amidst the clouds of Saturn © Don Dixon
cover for Vonda McIntyre novel, fractal-like intelligent nebula hovers behind starship and earthlike world
Shivering World, cover for Kathy Tyers novel about colonists' efforts to terraform a planet. Acrylic on illustration board, 1993. © 2007 Don Dixon / cosmographica.com
earth shines above a Moon that advanced technology has rendered habitable, acrylic and gouache, 1994; © Don Dixon
genetically engineered camel adapted for life on a Mars that has been given a barely breathable atmosphere, book cover, 1989 ;© Don Dixon
cover for Larry Niven novel about a journey to the galactic core. © 2007 Don Dixon / cosmographica.com
Green Mars. cover for Kim Stanley Robinson novel about effort to terraform Mars. Acrylic and gouache, 1997. © 2007 Don Dixon / cosmographica.com
Space Elevator made of unimaginably strong materials rises 22,000 miles above the equator, providing easy access to space. Cover for Arthur C. Clarke anthology © 2007 Don Dixon / cosmographica.com
A spacecraft approaches a comet that is on a collision course for earth in this cover painting for Gregory Benford's novel "In the Ocean of Night." Digital painting for Warner Books, 2004. © 2005 by Don Dixon.
An interstellar ramjet leaves orbit above an earthlike planet of Barnard's star in this digital cover painting for the Greg Benford novel "Across the Sea of Suns." Painted for Warner Books, 2003. © 2005 by Don Dixon.
The Mantis is a mechanical anthology intelligence who pursues the last survivors of the human race in Greg Benford's Galactic Center series of novels. This was an unused cover sketch for Great Sky River. Digital, © 2005 by Don Dixon.
A starship approaches perilously close to the black hole at the Milky Way's core in this digital cover painting for "Furious Gulf" by Greg Benford. 2004 for Warner Books. © 2005 by Don Dixon.
An astronaut plunges along the local gravity field generated by a cosmic string that an alien race is using to mine a planet's core. Digital cover painting for "Tides of Light" by Greg Benford. 2004 for Warner Books. © 2005 by Don Dixon.
Powerful electromagnetic motors loft cargo carriers from the Island of Sumatra, on the equator, to geosynchronous orbit 22,000 miles up. Acrylic and gouache, 1983.
The chandeliers - huge space habitats - were humanity's last refuge before destruction by the Mech civilization. Cover for "Great Sky River" by Gregory Benford. Digital painting for Warner Books, 2004. © Don Dixon 2005.
Commuters' Fantasy - rising sea levels swamp Southern California's freeways, as bubble craft soar above ; acrylic on board, 1979
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Red Mars - A giant spacecraft assembled from discarded Shuttle fuel tanks orbits over Mars, having transported the first colonists to the Red Planet. This cover painting for Kim Stanley Robinson's award-winning novel about the terraforming of Mars is part of the Planetary Society's digital "Martian Library" on the Phoenix spacecraft, which landed in the arctic region of Mars on May 25, 2008. acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 15.5x19.5 inches, 1992; © Don Dixon
Green Mars Cover Painting
Green Mars - cover painting for book two of the science fiction trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson.acrylic on illustration board, overall size 17x21.5 inches, picture area 16x20.5 inches. I began the painting in 1993 sitting outside Biosphere II in Arizona with “Bionauts” watching through the glass. There are hints of the Biosphere architecture in the painting. Original price $10,760.
Blue Mars
Blue Mars, cover painting for the third book in Kim Stanley Robinson's trilogy about the terraforming of Mars, shows the final stages of the transformation of Mars and the inundation of earth. acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 16.5x22.5 inches, 1995; copyright Don Dixon; price for original $7,600
Science Fiction and Futurism The Astronomical Art of Don Dixon